OFGC OSGA Forage Tour Directions 2016
• Drive your own car to each place, join us as you can.
• Bring clean boots and rain gear. This is December in Western Oregon.
• (you supply your own gas and lunch).
Woody Lane, 541-440-1926 woody@woodylane.com (President, OFGC)
Tom Nichols 541-990-2878 thomas.m.nichols1@gmail.com (President, OSGA)
Stop #1 — 10:00 am
Green Spring Farms, Corvallis
7205 Cutler Lane, Corvallis
near the Corvallis airport, just south of Corvallis.
This is a sheep and cattle operation, with lots of different forages, crops, and management strategies. We’ll
see fields of brassicas, perennial ryegrass, clovers, and cover crops. Also an efficient sheep handling facility,
including a practical demonstration of a Prattley auto-drafting unit for sorting sheep.
Directions: from Corvallis, drive SOUTH 3-4 miles on Route 99W. Turn RIGHT (West) onto SW Airport
Avenue. After 2.7 miles, turn LEFT (South) onto Cutler Lane (look for a row of mailboxes). Drive up the long
lane; park near the office. Wear clean boots.
Sponsored by the Oregon Forage and Grassland Council
and the Oregon Sheep Growers Association
Stop #2 — 1:00 pm
Roger Ruckert’s Farm, near Halsey
Roger Ruckert
29787 Lake Creek Drive, just east of Peoria Road, southeast of Corvallis
Roger farms high-fertility fields for orchardgrass seed. Also runs sheep on these fields. Discussions about
managing grass-seed fields for seed, forage, and grazing. The economics of this system, possible options for
the future.
Directions: From Corvallis, drive east on Route 34 for approx. 1.5 miles. At the light, turn South onto
Peoria Road. Drive 15 miles south on Peoria Road. Turn Left (East) onto Lake Creek Drive. Look for vehicles.
Wear clean boots.
Stop #3 — 3:00 pm
Cody Wood’s Ranch, near Harrisburg
Cody Wood
95102 Ayres Lane, north of Junction City
This is a grass-based sheep operation based on Intensively-managed pastures. Fields have been renovated
with various forages. Cody has also installed an auto-drafter handling facility for sorting sheep. We’ll see it in
Directions — From the North:
Get to Harrisburg. Drive SOUTH on 99E for approx. 2.5 miles. Turn LEFT (East) onto Ayres Lane. Red house is
on the RIGHT side of road. Wear clean boots.
Directions — From the South:
Get to Junction City. At the north end of town, head north on 99E for approx. 1.5 miles. Turn RIGHT (East)
onto Ayres Lane. Red house is on the LEFT side of road. Wear clean boots.
Then drive to Springfield for the OFGC/OSGA Convention
We’ll finish in enough time for you to drive down to Springfield, register in The Holiday Inn, and be ready to
attend the OSGA Cayle Krebs Memorial Reception beginning at 6:00 pm.
(Holiday Inn — Springfield, 919 Kruse Way, Springfield. 541-284-0707)