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2017 Lambing School Details

2017 Lambing School – Event Registration

Co-sponsored by Oregon Sheep Growers Association & OSU Extension Service


TIME: 8 am to 5 pm

LOCATION: Mont Alto Ranch, 2800 French Creek Rd,
Glide, Oregon

PRESENTED BY: Gene Pirelli, Oregon State University Extension
Dr. Paul Bailey, Bailey Veterinary Clinic
John Fine

This is an excellent opportunity to learn how to increase your odds of getting live lambs on the ground and off to a good start! This school will be held in a commercial sheep lambing barn, so there will be ample hands-on opportunities.


Ewes: Lambing problems, obstetrics, grafting, foot trimming and health.

Lambs: Castration, docking, vaccinations, and emergency situations as they arise.

The school will also include discussions on sheep nutrition and facilities. Participants are also asked to wear warm, appropriate barn clothing and bring clean rubber boots! All footwear will be disinfected before entering the barn.

Cost: $40 per person. The school will be limited to 12 participants. Selection for the school will be based on the first 12 registered. Preference will be given to those attending for the first time. Lunch will be provided with registration.

Monday, January 16th, 2017

Remember, first come, first served, because, unfortunately, we can only accommodate twelve people in the class. Fees will be returned if the class is filled. If you must cancel your plans to attend, please notify us four (4) working days prior to the lambing school, so that we can still refund your money.

To register for the class, please fill out the enclosed form. Registration forms and fees must be received by January 16th to reserve your place in the class. All class participants will receive a packet of information.

For more details on the Lambing School please call John Fine at 541-673-0369 or email at johnandpeggyfine@charter.net.

Oregon State University Extension Service prohibits discrimination in all its programs, services, activities, and materials on the basis of race, color, national origin,
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programs.) Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by January 16, 2017 to Alisha Atha 503-623-8395.

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