Agenda for AFGC Warm Season Grass Professional Workshop
August 18, 2015
7:30am to 5:30pm
Lexington, KY
7:30 Registration
7:45 Welcome and Introductions
8:00 Genetics of the BMR Trait within the Sorghum genus Ray Smith, Univ. of Kentucky
8:25 Seed Quality and Seed Industry priorities for warm season annual grasses Chad Hale, Byron Seeds
8:50 Determining the best variety (quality and yield) of Warm Season Annuals Chris Teutsch, Virginia Tech
9:50 Break
10:00 Beef Cattle performance with warm season annuals Jeff Lehmkuhler, Univ. of Kentucky
10:30 Dairy Cattle performance with warm season annuals Chad Hale, Byron Seeds
11:00 Agronomic practices to maximize yield, quality and regrowth of warm season annuals Dennis Hancock, Univ. of Georgia
11:45 Simple on-farm tests for nitrate and cyanide toxicity Ray Smith, Univ. of Kentucky
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Minor use summer annual grasses: Teff, Crabgrass, German millet, and others Panel Discussion, All speakers, led by Dennis Hancock, Univ. of Georgia
1:30 How I’ve integrated Corn grazing into my forage system Tommy Yankey, Anderson County KY Ag Agent
2:00 Bermudagrass production and emerging issues (ie -stem maggot) Dennis Hancock, Univ. of Georgia
2:30 What is the role of warm season native grasses on beef cattle farms? Tom Keene, Univ. of Kentucky
3:00 Break
3:15 Depart for Field tour of Warm Season annual grass variety tests and Agronomic Demonstrations Gene Olson, Univ. of Kentucky
5:15 Concluding comments
Pre-conference Evening Session August 17 at 7:00pm Development of a rating system on the yield potential, digestibility, regrowth potential, grazing tolerance, leafspot resistance, etc. for varieties of sorghum x sudangrass, sudangrass, pearl millet, and forage sorghum. Workshop speakers and others interested are invited to attend.
For more information and to register, click here.