Member Exclusive

Lunch With Forages – John Fike

John Fike is a professor in the Virginia Tech School of Plant and Environmental Sciences and Virginia’s state forage extension specialist. He has worked on silvopasture systems for almost 20 years. Fike also has research and extension efforts with biomass for bioprocessing and hemp production systems. During this Lunch with Forages sessions, we’ll discuss the science and practice of managing silvopasture – the intentional integration of forages and tree crops for improved production, diversified income streams, and enhanced ecosystem services.

Lunch With Forages – John Andrae & Pete Wahl

This session will be a first-time event: a panel discussion. The two guests are John Andrae, Ph.D. from Clemson University, and Pete Wahl from Langlois. John is currently the Assistant Director of the South Carolina Experiment Station and for many years was the Extension Forage Specialist for South Carolina. Pete Wahl is the co-owner of a large and highly productive grass-based sheep ranch on the Oregon South Coast. Both our guests are exceptionally experienced in different types of grazing and forages. Our discussion will focus on managing pastures for productivity versus longevity and the pros and cons of planting annuals versus perennials.

Lunch With Forages – Jon Bansen

Jon Bansen is the co-owner of Double J Jerseys in Monmouth, Oregon. Double J Jerseys is an organic dairy and part of the Organic Valley Coop. Jon is part of the research committee for the Oregon Forage and Grassland Council and has also authored numerous articles featured in GRAZE magazine. We will be discussing a multitude of species that have been utilized as a part of the diverse pasture mixes on his farm and the resulting performance of those forages.

Lunch With Forages – Debbie Reed

Debbie is the Executive Director of the Ecosystem Services Market Consortium (ESMC) — a member-based organization launching a national-scale ecosystem services market for agriculture to recognize and reward farmers and ranchers for their environmental services to society. This includes increasing soil carbon, reducing net greenhouse gases (GHG), and improving water quality and water use conservation. We’ll discuss increasing carbon in soils and a carbon market where farmers can be paid for adding carbon to their soils.

Lunch With Forages – Peter Gaul

Peter started his career at Lincoln University where he managed the dairy and was involved in consulting with dairy farms. Since then he has owned and operated successful dairies in New Zealand and in Missouri. Currently, he serves as a grazing consultant focusing on beef producers in the Midwest. We will discuss management decisions on forage-based operations and their impact on productivity and profitability.

Lunch With Forages – Dr. Lisbeth Goddik

Dr. Lisbeth Goddik, Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Oregon State University will introduce the concept of terroir and how it has been applied to diverse food products including milk and beef. She will briefly summarize work at the OSU Food Science Department evaluating terroir for wine, beer, and cheese. Lisbeth hopes to involve the audience in a discussion about how terroir can be used to promote unique Oregon products and how OSU can help with this initiative.

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